​100 followers in a week

How to get 100 followers in a week

I started my blog LIFE LESSONS last week and to be honest, I am very happy to get to this point because I never imagined getting a single view on my posts let alone a FOLLOW so I decided to write this short article to share a secret or two on ‘a perfect blog’ with my great followers. 

This mentality of (not being successful in blogging) was a result of two things.

First being am on “free plan” and second being my controversial nature. I’ve always had a different opinion (point of view) on everything since I was a kid. I never knew that it would have a positive effect in my life because people always considered me CRAZY.

The fact that my posts get people so intrigued to a point of contacting me on my email in order to know me as a person not just a blogger they met on WordPress really means a lot to me.

It also proves that I am not the CRAZY one.. The people who used to call me that hardly get a single comment or like on their posts leave alone the fact that they started blogging months ago. You too should learn something from this. You, yes YOU.

For the few who are interested in knowing my secret read this article which I posted the day before yesterday.

If you have liked or not liked this article please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below and if you love history fiction books like ‘Vikings’ please check out mine THE NORTHMEN OF MONTECARA on Amazon. Thanks

48 thoughts on “​100 followers in a week

  1. Congratulations Mr. Emanuel!! I have been blogging since 3 months and till date I have 22 WordPress follows.. Its no small feat that you have achieved.. Keep growing!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is what we call witchcraft hahah…as soon an you do something everything gets fucked up..I never knew it would turn out this way too..in the second week I’ll be having a lot more than just 200 I got 50 followers in 2 days

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Super, duper cool. Elated for you!!!! So very, very exciting. You are obviously doing it right! Being WHO you are, I mean. 🙂 Keep on Rockin it!


  2. Wow! That’s the power of being real. Some have been struggling for years to get even just 10 followers and you just did it in a week, like magic. You are really something else. Congrats and keep rocking.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Crazy like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.One persons crazy is anothers persons sanity.
    btw,I have over 800 “following” me. I can see how many actually come check me out after posting something.Out of 880 some odd people,I get around 10% coming to have a look. And out of that group about 1/3 or 1/4 will “like” or comment.Most come look & go like ghosts.


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