​500 followers in 4 weeks

Meet and Greet (Bloggers)

I have been a blogger on WordPress for four weeks now and I am really grateful for the love am getting here on WordPress so I’ve decided to give back to “the society” by giving you guys a chance to advertise your blogs in the comment section below.

I’ve seen people come and go but there are those guys who have been with me from the beginning so I’d like to give a big shout out to them.


2.Double Dacres


Please check out their blogs and I hope that I’ll live long enough to mention them again together with other new loyal friends next month when I get to 1000 followers.

For the rest of my new 500 friends, this is how it’s gonna go down..

1.You will  share the link to your blog in the comment section below and write a short description of your blog.

2. Follow the person who likes your comment.

3.Follow the person who follows you.

If you wish to learn my “secret sauce” on blogging please check out my article Perfect blogger tips


181 thoughts on “​500 followers in 4 weeks

  1. Act of kindness 🙂 nice and cool
    giving your followers respect is shows what kind of person you are
    and i think you’re an amazing person
    keep it up

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Am I too late for this? 🤦🏻‍♀️
    Hello everyone! And thank you Emmanuel Rockan for this opportunity! I love chances like this where I can meet new blogs and bloggers.
    I am a mental health blogger, and my blog is called Mindelate. I’ve been writing for 8 months now, so it hasn’t necessarily been that long…but still a fun and educative experience nevertheless!
    Mental health awareness is a subject that I’m very passionate about. I also include topics that lean more towards productivity and emotional health, as I believe they are still branches of the same tree: mental health.
    Check out my blog at:
    I hope to meet many new bloggers! 😊


  3. I’m actually already a subscriber to James! Small world huh 😊. His content is great! Thank you once again. (Accidently pressed reply before completing my comment lol)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Small world indeed! It actually struck me after I made the recommendation “what if he/she has already come across James’ blog?” Turns out you already did. Well, I’m glad we both agree that he does an amazing job.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi Emmanuel, nice to meet you. It’s rare to find bloggers like you, I must say. I haven’t really been consistent with posting new content but I open my WordPress app everyday. I spend more time reading other posts than actually posting (for the love of reading.. plus that’s my way of supporting other bloggers).

    I am a creative writer and I express myself best through the pieces I write. So my blog is a journal of some sort. What I write at any given point is basically what I’m feeling/going through at that particular point in time. I write with the aim of getting readers to relate to and be inspired by my posts. I’m actually a ‘ghost writer’ for my own blog: https://sheinspires2017.wordpress.com/


  5. thebeatwithkey.wordpress.com
    My site is honestly about anything. However I am shifting to more creative writing. I am still a new blogger and I am looking for feedback if anyone wants to give me a look. Thanks


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